Pam Mundell    


I discovered painting about fifteen years ago, but feel as if I have been painting for so much longer.
We've lived in so many beautiful places in New Zealand - Pauatahanui and Te Horo, Whangarei Heads, Whitianga, the Kapiti Coast at Raumati Beach.
Everywhere we went, there were wonderful wide landscapes, as well as glimpses of tiny views that were beautiful. So many potential paintings
- and so many more in my memory.
I have concentrated on my favourite places, and a lot of my work is based on reality - or at least my version of what is really there.
But fantasy sometimes intrudes - so even paintings that appear "real" may not be.
Now we are in Melbourne and everything is different. Those wonderful elegant gums are pleading to become part of a painting.
And those enticing bark colours need to be part of the landscapes I paint. Even the cityscape is calling to be painted.
All with my interpretation of course.
Contact details are on my "Contact" page.(use link above)

See also my Facebook Page:

See also the link to an article in The New Zealand Artist (May-June edition, 2020)